Thursday, July 16, 2020

Watch Your Children

R' Yaakov Horowitz:

"Have you all lost your minds???!! An hour ago, I passed FOUR heimishe minor boys hitching rides in FOUR different locations. How many times do we have to warn you that heimishe men are picking up your sons and abusing them? Was that language too vague? Should I write raping and sodomizing? Have you lost your minds? Here are 6 heimishe registered sex offenders living within a 5 minute drive of where your kids are hitching [he has pictures and details of these people]. That’s not counting the abusers who were caught and pleaded to a lesser charge, not counting the abusers who have bloodstained “machers” and “fixers” covering for them, and not counting those who were never caught. 

There is no shame in having sex abusers in our community. Every single community has sex offenders. Every religion. Every ethnic group. Every race. Every socioeconomic level. No community is exempt from the ugly problems of the world. However, there is terrible, inexcusable shame in not having the guts to do whatever it takes to keep our precious children safe from these monsters. I’ve been hollering warnings about this for 15 years!! How many beautiful neshamos/souls who took their own lives years after being abused do we need to bury in the Monsey cemetery for you to take this seriously?? L’maan Hashem; Have you all lost your minds???!!!"


For me, the root of this is the same as the masses of people who are ignoring the health guidelines. And the parents who allow their children open Internet [and all the wives who are sure that their husbands aren't watching shmutz on line....]. It is being aware of a horrible reality and then COMPLETELY IGNORING IT. 

THAT is what is going on. This willful ignorance KILLS. It is not coming from a place of evil. I would characterize it as - stupidity. But stupidity can destroy lives and even kill. 

So please - watch your children and watch yourselves!!!