Sunday, July 30, 2023

A Great Gift To Give Or Receive Which Costs NOTHING

One of the GREATEST gifts you can have is a person who has insight into a personality flaw/s of yours and with love and care takes the effort to point it out to you. Not because the person is offended by you or for any personal gain or who are projecting their own issues onto you [a common phenomenon]. JUST that they want to see you become a better version of yourself. It is so rare. Most people don't notice or if they do don't care enough to say anything or it would make them uncomfortable so they don't say. 

It is, in a way, greater than donating a kidney. A kidney allows for physical life. Giving awareness of flaws gives much more: spiritual-eternal life. 

אֹזֶן שֹׁמַעַת תּוֹכַחַת חַיִּים בְּקֶרֶב חֲכָמִים תָּלִין. [משלי ט"ו ל"א]

אזן שומעת - הנה האוזן השומעת תוכחת חיים , רוצה לומר שתקבל מוסר בהשגת החכמה , שהיא החיים , הנה היא תלין בקרב חכמים , רוצה לומר שכבר יישירהו זה אל שיתחכם ויעמוד בין החכמים. או ירצה בזה , שכבר תלין בקרב חכמים ללמוד חכמתם. [רלב"ג]