Saturday, July 29, 2023

Signs Of Dangerous Indoctrination

Parents around the world live in crippling fear of their children becoming fans of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, which is a dark road that can lead to misogyny, fascism, racism and a host of other modern day ills - including possibly voting Republican [when the time comes]. If you suspect your baby is being indoctrinated by Jordan Peterson, it's important to recognize the signs.

A list of red flags:

1] He rejected the tyrannical confines of the womb: The escape is followed by a sojourn in the desert, aimless, confused, and deprived.

2] He cries a lot: Does your baby cry on a daily basis? Several times each day, perhaps? Guess what--so does Jordan Peterson. Big red flag right there, bucko.

3] His first words were "Archetypical themes are archetypical because they actually speak of the structure of human experience. Not in the Freudian sense of the ego and superego but in the classical Jungian sense": If he's already philosophizing instead of saying "Mama" or "Dada," it's time to be concerned.

4] He cleans his crib: A newborn taking the initiative to clean up his crib is a powerful metaphor that he is taking control of his life.

5] He reads his children's picture Bible but says that Adam and Eve represent the dualistic nature of order and chaos present within each of us: Just read it and take it for what it says, kid. Sheesh. 

6] He only eats meat-flavored baby food: You want him to eat vegetables? It's like, NO!

7] He slicks his hair back and gets SUPER INTENSE for no apparent reason. 

If your baby is exhibiting any of the signs listed above, take swift action immediately! Nip it in the bud. Put on podcasts of enlightened liberal thinkers for him to listen to.