לע"נ מרת אסתר בת שמואל ולרפואת אבי מורי ור' מרדכי דוד בן קריינא והרב אברהם יוסף בן חנה בתוך שח"י
There are many facets to the Geulah and if even one of them is missing - the Geulah is not complete. Every צמצום - contraction, pains the heart. The Geulah breaks through all of those contractions and clears up all of the spiritual fog.
EVERY separation is contraction and every inclusion is Geulah - light. However, the most dangerous separation is the separation between parents and children, for this separation expresses the primary point of Galus. "Woe unto the children who have been exiled from the table of their Father" [Brachos 3a]. Parallel to that, the great joy of redemption is the restoration of the hearts of the parents to children and children to parents: והשיב לב אבות על בנים ולב בנים על אבותם.
The height of the sanctity of the Jewish people is found in our spiritual DNA. It is holy from beginning to end and woe unto he who tries to separate between the chain of transmission of this DNA by separating between fathers and sons. That is our end and the secret to our Galus.
The exodus from Egypt was the root of our Geulah - just as the exile of Egypt was the root of all of our exiles. Our sojourn there began "את יעקב איש וביתו באו" - Yaakov and family. [And the decree of Paroh was to throw all of the sons into the river - separating between fathers and sons].
So too, when we left Egypt, the Geulah was because the sons cling to the fathers. "והיה כי ישאלך בנך לאמר" [Shmos 13-14]. They ask their fathers and await anxiously for their response.
The wicked son asks [as we record at the seder], albeit with chutzpah because he has gone off the derech, but still wants to hear his father's response. When the Jewish people receive prophecy that they will have sons, evil sons - they bowed in gratitude!!! [See Shmos 12, 25-27 with Rashi 27]. Even though our sons are off the derech, they are still asking!!! Yes, the father "blunts his teeth" and says that had he been in Egypt he would not have been redeemed but after all is said and done - his son IS redeemed, he IS here asking a question despite his rebelliousness.
When the children place the father at the head of the table and listen to his words, it brings to the promise of the hereafter "Tzadikim sit, with a crown on their heads and enjoy the splendor of the שכינה." [Brachos 17a] And "And they shall say on that day, "Behold, this is our God: we hoped for Him that He would save us; this is Hashem for Whom we hoped; let us rejoice and be happy with His salvation." [Yeshayahu 25-9].
Unfortunately, we live in times when there is much rebellion of children against parents. It started in Europe over 100 years ago, continued in America [and Israel] and we see much of it until our very day. These are the birth pangs of Moshiach. "For a son disgraces his father; a daughter rises up against her mother; a daughter-in-law, against her mother- in-law; a man's enemies are the members of his household." [Michah 7-6]. They think that nothing will happen to them. They try to find favor in the eyes of the Gentiles - but it doesn't help!!! There is still loads of antisemitism. The more rebellion, the more we suffer at the hands of those who hate us. The solution is to return to the parents, to ask their counsel about how to get close to Hashem, at which time their uncircumcised hearts will be mended.
Parents ALSO must redouble their efforts to fulfill their obligation to raise good, upright, holy Jewish children. "Those redeemed by Hashem shall say it, those whom He redeemed from the hands of an oppressor. And gathered them from lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the sea." [Tehillim 107/2-3] "To proclaim in Tzion the name of Hashem and His praise in Jerusalem." [102/22].