Sunday, July 30, 2023


"Gay" used to mean happy.

"Queer" meant WEIRD.

"Affirmative Care" means a place to get medically castrated and mutilated.

"Affirmative Action" is a government policy encouraging racism. Reverse racism is also racism.

"Planned parenthood" means killing preborn babies.

"Reproductive health" also is another way of saying "killing preborn babies". If the people doing it really felt that it is morally justifiable - they would call it what it is instead of calling it something it is clearly not.

"Addicted" means in the captivity of the yetzer hara. 

"Foodie" is just a בעל תאוה. 

A sports "fanatic" [that is what a "fan" is] is considered completely legit. A religious fanatic is not. Why?

An "important game" is an oxymoron. If it is important it is not a game and if it is a game it can't be very important. [People need to play and have fun. As a means but not as an end]. 

"Open marriages" USED to mean that the couple shares feelings and experiences. Now it means they agree to mutually engage in גילוי עריות.

Modern Orthodox means [SOMETIMES for SOME PEOPLE] that we don't have to keep all the laws. Only the ones we choose. It has little to do with engaging the world so that we can be מקדש שם שמים in all areas of life. That is what it meant for Rav Aharon Lichtenstein ztz"l but there are not many like him. 

When parents tell their children who want to grow in ruchniyus that "you have to live in the real world" it is [often] another way of saying "don't waste your time with Hashem, Torah and ruchniyus. I don't really believe in that stuff. You shouldn't either".

When parents are worried about  their children's future, somehow this future never seems to include the rest of eternity. Only the next 50-70 years and only how much money they will have. We need money. But our society has forgotten that it is a means and not an end. The end is dveykus baShem and fulfilling His will.  

"המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים" means "thank G-d that this is over and I am outta here. SO unpleasant." [You ever notice that at every shiva, the same scene repeats itself. Everybody is sitting there until one person has the guts to get up and say "hamakom" at which point a whole bunch of people are "tofeis tremp" [grab a hitch] and get up to say "hamkom"].

When a person tells a person collecting for a worthy cause "I can't right now", "I have other obligations" etc. etc. it is another way of saying "leave me alone. You are not getting a penny". People who use these and similar lines will take numerous yearly vacations costing tens of thousands of dollars and have multiple homes worth millions. Hashem knows the truth. When they say "hopefully in the future when I am able I will donate" - don't hold your breath... I have never had one case of such a person ever being "able" in the future. 

"Issues" mean "problems". 

"We want a strong economy" means "we want to have lots of money". 

"I am not religiously observant but I do tikkun olam" means [often] "I am a liberal who lives a lifestyle much like any Goy in the world."  

An atheist is someone who claims to know something [i.e. that there is no G-d] that he can't possibly know or prove. But he says it anyway and takes himself seriously. He can say that he is agnostic. That is a statement about himself. HE is ignorant of the truth. But how can one know that there is no G-d??

"I don't have time for that" means that it is simply not important or pressing enough. We all have the same amount of time every day and unless we are in prison, hospital or forced labor camp - we get to decide how to spend that time. 

"I forgot" usually means that it wasn't important to me or I had a psychological block because I didn't want to do it or the like. We never forget what is really important to us.      

A civil war is never ever "civil".  

When politicians say that they are great friends of Israel it is often the same as people who say "I can't be an antisemite. Some of my best friends are Jewish". These and these are often antisemites, either in action, feeling or both.

Mussar Haskel

1] Vocabulary matters.

2] It is worth bring brutally honest at times even thought it stings.