No! Who?
NOOOO! I can't believe it! Isn't he going out with Shulamit?
He was but they broke up two weeks ago.
I am not sure but I understood from Shulamit that he gets depressed and stuff and that really scared her off.
Does Chavi know?
Well even if she doesn't what does it matter? She also gets depressed a lot so who is she to judge.
Does Danny know about Chavi's relationship with Ari in high school?
I don't know for sure but EVERYBODY knows so why should Danny be any different.
Well Danny is spacey so maybe he didn't notice.
[Both girls laugh]
Well the truth is that Danny and Ari were roommates in yeshiva in Israel.
Wasn't Ari kicked out of his yeshiva?
Yeah and Danny would have been also but he just wasn't caught drinking and Ari was. One other boy was kicked out with Ari - Eli.
Eli? I never would've thought! He seems like such a goody-goody. I just saw him the other night on a date with Miri and he looked like such a tzadik'l with his little gemara in hand and white shirt.
Wait - Miri is going out with Eli?? I thought she was going out with Dovi.
YOU DIDN'T HEAR? Dovi suddenly dumped her even though she was sure that this was it. She couldn't believe it. I don't think her relationship with Eli will last. She is just getting him on the rebound. Besides - I think she would do much better with Shloime.
Shloime? Isn't he going out with Nechami?
He is but Nechami told me she is about to break up. His father is abusive to his mother and Nechami is afraid he picked up some bad stuff up from his father.
Are Shloime's parents getting divorced?
My mother thinks they will. She overheard Shloime's mother talking about it in the supermarket.
ברב דברים לא יחדל פשע וחשך שפתיו משכיל
In an abundance of words offense will not be lacking
but a person who restrains his lips is wise.
Mishlei 10/19