Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Shiur In The "Hidden Wisdom"

AHHHHHHH I love Hashem! He always sends things just at the right minute. This morning I was in a Beis Medrash where everybody was learning kabbala. I had a thought - sometimes people are so "high up" that they lack middos tovos. Maybe they could use a little more mussar and a little less kabbala. I felt this very strongly and pondered the idea. I came home and after spending some time trying to figure out how the Rambam who holds safek di'oraisa min hatorah li'kula is going to deal with the tosphos in yevamos [פ. ד"ה נעשה] and I saw a gevaldik yesod in R' Berel Kroizer's new sefer on the Shmatsa which made my day, I started reading the sefer Avnei Shlomo [about Rav Shlomo Volbe] and came to the following passage -

היה אומר היום קבלה זה סתרי תורה? הרי בכל פינת רחוב יש שיעור בזהר וספרי קבלה! היום סתרי תורה זה תורת המוסר ותיקון המידות

He [Rav Volbe] used to say - Today kabbala is the "hidden wisdom"? On every street corner there is a shiur in kabbala! Today the "hidden wisdom" is mussar and perfecting ones character.

I have been around the block a few times and I feel that there are soooo many people who just "don't get it" and don't have a clue how far off they are. So I will tell you a secret. It's in Mishlei - אוזן שומעת תוכחת חיים בקרב חכמים תלין - An ear that hears rebuke will dwell among the wise.

שמיעה - Listen and try to shatter preconceived notions that are preventing you from achieving greatness. [I would suggest you internalize some of the issues we discuss here or what I might discuss with you personally - but would that be hubris? Maybe, but only if you know what hubris means..]

Love and blessings sweet friends and may we make this ט' שבט count!