Monday, February 6, 2012

A Strong Intuition

Spooky myseh:

Yesterday morning I had to go to a government office as part of the yetzer hara's ploy to be מבטל my Torah. Nu nu.

The procedure is that I go to this machine, punch in [better than being punched out...] my Israeli identity card number [known as the תעודת זהות] and place my finger down in the machine to be fingerprinted [I have no criminal record although I often jaywalk in Manhattan] and happily go on with my day.

The machine was NOT being cooperative. It basically said "Sorry Charlie, fingerprint didn't register, go see Lillian". I was insistent so I started again, identity card number, fingerprint and... same negative result. "Sorry Charlie, fingerprint didn't register, go see Lillian." Well, the problem is, I don't speak to girls unless it's for marriage purposes and I am already married [my wife sometimes wonders why I get quiet at times, contrary to my nature. Well, Nech, if you're reading this the REAL reason is because I don't talk to girls unless it's for marriage purposes and I already got married a loooong time ago]. On the other hand I really need to take care of this matter for the betterment of my life and that of my wife and children. So I decided "People call me "Rav". I guess then I can pasken that I can speak to Lillian לשם שמים." [There is a Ritva about this at the end of Kiddushin. Not about Lillian. About tzniyus things and לשם שמים. Check it out.]

So I go to Miriam's desk [her REAL name is Miriam - if you follow the blog you met her last week] and she is busy on the phone. I am a sworn enemy of wasting time and I brought with me material to learn just for this type of occurrence. I had a Mei Marom of Rav Charlap on Shmos, some printed papers from a teshuva of Rav Kook on safek orlah in chutz la'aretz and a chapter of Rav Moshe Aharon's Poleyeff's [he was a Rebbe in YU many moons ago] sefer Ohr Hashemesh where he dissects a teshuva of the Avnei Nezer on לפני עור. The Avnei Nezer doesn't come out looking so great after Rav Poleyeff got finished with him but then again the Heilige Avnei Nezer was no longer alive to defend himself. In the עולם העליון I am sure they "dinged" [argued] about it. הכל לשם שמים.
So I was going to learn something I had brought with me but then my eyes alighted upon a book on a table available for the people waiting to peruse. I read the back cover. It was about a woman who lost two sons in the army and her beloved husband. So sad. But she is a strong woman with lots of emunah and the book chronicles how she got through it. I said "This looks interesting and maybe it will be מחזק my emunah so it's worth a look."

I sit down opposite Miriam and wait for her to finish with her business. We then exchange greetings and she asks me my identity card number. I hand her my identity card [I still hesitate when saying numbers in Hebrew after over 25 years here] and she types some things into the computer. I continue reading the book and then comes the moment....

I read a passage from the book and then I had this really strong intuition "Hey, this has happened before. Now, after this passage, something really good is going to happen. She is going to tell me that everything is OK and I can go home." I look up and she immediately says to me "הכל בסדר אתה יכול ללכת הביתה" - Everything is OK. You can go home.

Spooky! Needless to say I had never seen this book before [in my conscious life]. How did I know what was about to happen??

Very simple. I have a נשמה. A נשמה is a part of G-d. G-d knows everything.

So sweet friends, connect to your נשמה and hopefully you will see wonders. In addition to reading tzadikim stories [which is very important] you can one day be the subject of one.

I would love to hear similar stories. I am sure many of you have what to share.

Love and Blessings:-)