Monday, July 6, 2020

Tzaar Baalei Chaim

We are in the worst financial crisis the world has seen since the Great Depression [what was so great about it??]. So the municipality of a certain city in Israel [where I may or may not live...] decides to send people huge bills for a retroactive tax on their homes for the last few years. They decided that all these people's houses are really bigger than the size they were originally listed as. If people don't pay - they bank accounts of these people will be seized. I have one friend - for example - who received a bill for 6,500 shekel, which he doesn't have.  

A fulfillment of the Gemara that Eretz Yisrael is acquired with Yisurin. [For the record, the residents are taking the municipality to court, but even if they win they lost because of all of the legal fees...].