Saturday, December 28, 2024

Light Amidst The Darkness

 We see from Chazal that there’s something unique and special about the Yom Tov of Chanukah. This Yom Tov, the Gemara says, was established l’hodos ulehallel. Now, it’s clear that there are many things about the nissim, בימים ההם בזמן הזה, that we should be thankful for. On other Yamim Tovim, like Pesach, Sukkos, and Shavuos, there’s also plenty to be thankful for: Yetzias Mitzrayim, Mattan Torah, the ananei hakavod. But those aren’t Yamim Tovim of hodaah specifically. Chanukah is different. The essence of the Yom Tov is hodaah.

In order to understand this, we need to gain a deeper understanding of the middah of hodaah.

We know that there’s a mitzvah to remember the incident with Miriam every day: זָכוֹר אֵת אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה ה’ אֱלֹקֶיךָ לְמִרְיָם בַּדֶּרֶךְ בְּצֵאתְכֶם מִמִּצְרָיִם. It’s one of the sheish zechiros that we’re supposed to say every day. The Arizal notes that all these six remembrances are alluded to in the words of the berachah of Ahavah Rabbah, which we say before Krias Shema. The zechirah of Miriam, he says, is alluded to in the words להודות לך, since those words remind us that the mouth Hakadosh Baruch Hu gave us was created for the purpose of thanking Hashem, not for talking lashon hara.

It sounds like hodaah and lashon hara are opposites. But I would think the opposite of lashon hara is lashon tov, or maybe shtikah. Why is hodaah, thanking Hakadosh Baruch Hu, the opposite of lashon hara?

The aveirah of lashon hara, Chazal tell us, is different from all other aveiros. All other aveiros bring a person pleasure, and that’s why it’s a nisayon to avoid the aveirah. Lashon hara, in contrast, provides no real pleasure. Why, then, would a person speak lashon hara? If it provides no pleasure, why is it such a major nisayon?

See No Evil, Speak No Evil

Hakadosh Baruch Hu created every person with an innate need to feel good about himself, to feel satisfied and accomplished. That is a very important drive, which is given to us to motivate us to do the right thing. Since doing the right thing makes me feel good and accomplished, and if I don’t do the right thing I won’t have that good feeling, I am motivated to do the right thing.

Sometimes, however, a person feels empty, lacking, unaccomplished. Such a person is in danger of stumbling in the prohibition of lashon hara, since speaking lashon hara is an artificial way of making yourself feel good. When a person doesn’t feel good about himself, dwelling on other people’s flaws and shortcomings gives him the illusion of feeling good about himself — as if the other person has all the chesronos, and he doesn’t.

This idea is expressed by Rashi in this week’s parashah. The Torah says that in Pharaoh’s dream, there were שֶׁבַע פָּרוֹת יְפוֹת מַרְאֶה וּבְרִיאֹת בָּשָׂר, alluding to the seven years of plenty. We can understand that the cows being fat and robust would indicate the years of plenty, but what does their being good-looking, יְפוֹת מַרְאֶה, have to do with years of plenty? Rashi explains that during a time of plenty, people look good to others. When a person is satisfied, he looks at others and they look good to him. But when a person feels hungry, then people look at others begrudgingly, and they look bad.

That’s what spurs a person to speak lashon hara. A person who feels good about himself sees good in other people, but a person who’s starving, who feels empty and dissatisfied, sees bad, and that prompts him to speak lashon hara.

We are obligated to thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu for everything we have. The Chovos Halevavos explains that the reason people don’t always feel thankful to Hakadosh Baruch Hu is that they don’t realize what they have. They’re too fixated on what they don’t have, and on what other people have that they feel they should have, so they can’t even notice and appreciate what they do have. Therefore, they don’t thank Hashem.

When someone does thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu, it’s a sign that he’s not dwelling on what’s missing; he’s focusing on what he has.

This clarifies why lashon hara and hodaah are opposites of the same middah. Someone who’s starving will use his mouth to speak lashon hara, and he won’t thank Hashem, because in his mind, what does he have to be grateful for? But someone who’s satisfied and feels good about himself has no need to speak lashon hara, so he’ll use his mouth to thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu, not to speak lashon hara.

Did We Win?

Many times, Klal Yisrael were in galus, and eventually they left the galus, having emerged victorious over the empire that had subjugated them. In Galus Yavan, however, there was no total victory. The purpose of Galus Yavan, we say in Al Hanissim, was להשכיחם תורתך, and that never ended. Chazal note that from the time of Maamad Har Sinai until Galus Yavan, there was never any machlokes n Klal Yisrael. The mesorah, as transmitted at Har Sinai, remained intact, and the Torah was preserved exactly the way it was given.

The first Torah machlokes in Klal Yisrael began during Galus Yavan. That’s להשכיחם תורתך. Even after the Chashmona’im defeated the Yevanim, להשכיחם תורתך did not go away. The culture of Yavan, which the Greeks tried to instill in Klal Yisrael and the whole world, persisted. So what was the victory? We have a Yom Tov of Chanukah because we defeated Yavan, but if the Torah continued to be forgotten, and the culture of Yavan endured, then how can we claim victory?

Chazal teach that Yavan is symbolized by darkness: וְחֹשֶׁךְ עַל פְּנֵי תְהוֹם. That means that before Galus Yavan, there was only light, no darkness. After Yavan was defeated, the darkness remained, but within that darkness, there was a nes, the nes of the neiros. Amid the darkness, there was a small light — and that was the victory.

The victory over Yavan was not banishing the darkness, but having light within the darkness. Although we are still forgetting a lot of Torah, as we move further and further away from Maamad Har Sinai, and although so much of Yavan’s culture still seeps into our consciousness, causing much darkness, still, we can light a small fire and have light amid the darkness of galus.

What value is there, one might argue, in one little ner surrounded by darkness?

If we don’t learn to appreciate what we have while we’re still in galus, then the darkness will remain. The only way we can win over Yavan is by having the light amid the darkness, and valuing and appreciating that little ner. It’s pitch dark all over, but when we focus on the small ner that we have and cherish it, we no longer feel the gnawing hunger and emptiness of the darkness around us. Instead, we feel satisfied with the little light that we have — and that’s the victory over Yavan.

This is why the Yom Tov of Chanukah was established l’hodos ulehallel. We need to stress this point, that the only way out of Galus Yavan is to appreciate the small ner we still have and build our lives around it.

As the galus continues, there is so much darkness in Klal Yisrael, so much tumah. Our challenge is to find the light and value it, no matter how small it is, and to thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu for the bit of light we still have. This is relevant on a Klal Yisrael level and also on a personal level. A person might feel overwhelmed by the darkness in his life, to the point that he forgets to notice and give thanks for the little bit of light that remains. Chanukah teaches us that despite the darkness that envelops us, we have to focus and build on that ner amid the darkness.

R' Wagschal