Thursday, February 2, 2012


Interesting - according to the Zohar Hakadosh, Yaakov was punished with the whole story of Yosef because he misled his father into thinking he was Eisav and took the brachos. The pasuk says ויחרד חרדה גדולה - Yitzchak was extremely anxious [when he realized that he hadn't given the bracha to Eisav]. Yaakov caused him anguish and paid a very heavy price. I wouldn't say such a thing - just quoting the holy Rashb"i.

Here we must wonder - Rivka told Yaakov to fool his father based on a prophecy she received as Unkelos writes [עלי אתאמר בנבואה] and if one ignores the words of a Navi he is חייב מיתה. So he HAD to listen and if that is the case then why was he punished so severely?

This bears out what we said recently that Bein Adam Li'chaveiro is FIRE and if one puts his hand in fire he gets burned - even if he is justified. This means we have to be really careful:-)!

[See מכתב מאליהו חלק ה on page 70 where he takes this Zohar in a different direction and we learn together here]