Thursday, October 20, 2022

Trigger Warning - Gender Insensitive

Breaking news!: Liz Truss, the PM of the United Kingdom has resigned. Too bad. She was so Trussworthy!!!  馃槻馃槻

Truth be told - I never heard of her until today. But rumor has it that she never heard of me either.  馃槀馃槀

Being that she is a member of the Conservative Party, I am hoping that the next PM is Orthodox. [Maybe Lady Elaine Sacks? Or daughter Gila?? Or posthumously Rabbi Lord J. I mean, Lords don't really die - do they??].

In an exclusive interview she explained that until now she understood the maamar chazal 砖讜诐 转砖讬诐 注诇讬讱 诪诇讱 - 讜诇讗 诪诇讻讛 to apply to a queen only "and it's not my fault if the queen ignores an explicit Halacha" but she now understands it to apply to ALL positions of authority not being held by women. She was mechavein to an OPEN RAMBAM 诪诇讻讬诐 讗-讛. A Prime Minister with a Prime Lomdishe Kop!!!!

"I am going back to the kitchen where I belong" she declared. 

Women's rights and feminist organizations are totally up in arms and threatened to bomb 10 Downing Street. 

A bunch of English cops are standing outside protecting the building - each with a package of tea and biscuits for 4pm tea time. 

We wish Liz MUCH success in her gastronomic, culinary sensitive endeavors.  馃榾馃榾