Thursday, October 20, 2022

Yeridas Ha-doros - Talmid-Rebbe

In the olden days - boys would choose a Yeshiva based on the Rosh Yeshiva. Some would go to Baranovitch to learn by R' Elchonon. Others to Grodna to learn by Reb Shimon. Yet others to Slabodka or Novardok or Kelm to receive a derech in Mussar from each "Alter" respectively. In America it was to learn in Lakewood by Rav Aharon, in YU by "The Rav", in Tiferes Yerushalayim to learn by Rav Moshe, in Chaim Berlin to learn by Rav Hutner or in JTS to learn by Professor Shaul Lieberman. In EY - Ponivitch to learn by Reb Shmuel, Rav Schach and Rav Dovid Povarsky, the Mir by Reb Chaim and Reb Nachum and Brovenders to hear Shiur Klali from the likes of Rabbi Riskin and a star studded group of Ladies with hyphenated last names

Today, boys generally choose a Yeshiva b/c of the type of boy who goes to that Yeshiva - in other words, for the "Chevre". I recently saw a promotional video for a "modern black hat" yeshiva. The pitch was basically that it is a five star hotel [incredible food (the boys go for doubles and even triples馃悢馃悙 six hour wait馃崷馃崏), super comfortable dorms, exercise room, full court gym, tiyulim etc.] with a "cool" learning program [no pressure, not only Gemara but Navi, parsha etc., Rabbeim who really care, where each student is encouraged to grow in his unique way etc.]. [I happened to have spent some time in this Yeshiva as a bachur and when I was there it was one star....馃榾]

Nobody chooses a Kollel on the basis of who the Rosh Kollel is. The job of the Rosh Kollel is to write and sign the checks. People choose a Kollel based on what the Kollel is learning, where the Kollel is located, who learns in this Kollel and how much they pay [not necessarily in that order].  

What I lament is the lack of "讘讬拽讜砖". There are so many great people that one can be "诪拽讘诇" so much from both in learning and in Avodas Hashem and Middos. But sadly, that is not what most people are looking for. To be 诪讘讟诇 oneself to a Rebbe takes a great deal of humility [particularly for married avreichim]. Not so common. 


Mussar Haskel: Be a 诪讘拽砖. Find a Rebbe [if you haven't already] or multiple Rabbeim and squeeze them out for all the Torah and Mussar you can get from them. Rav Moshe Twerski  HY"D would go all the way to Gateshead for Elul zman to receive Mussar and Yiras Shomayim from Rav Yehuda Zev Segal ztz"l. Other Gedolim and Tzadikim (such as HaGaon Ha-adir Rav Avraham Genechovski ztz"l whose Yahrtzeit was today, Rav Volbe ztz"l and the Tolna Rebbe ztz"l) would be 诪讘讟诇 themselves to people younger and even smaller than themselves in order to receive Torah. Embodiments of 注谞讜讛 and 讘讬拽讜砖. Rav Yaakov Moshe Charlap was a Gaon Olam and Tzadik Yesod Olam but when he met Rav Kook he was completely 诪讘讟诇 himself to him. (Rav Kook said that the only person who understands him is Rav Charlap and his last words before dying were "Yaakov Moshe").