"This is scandalous!!" Jackson said. "Not accepting a student whose grades are not up to par despite their skin color?? How can we allow that??!! This country was built on the premise that you don't have to EARN anything. All you have to be is a minority and you deserve more rights and privileges than non-minorities!! Just feel victimized and we will coddle you and give you stuff - even if it is often to your detriment and to the detriment of other innocent and deserving people. It is the American way!!!"
Sotomayor similarly expressed her outrage: "This will mean that colleges will have to be color blind and accept students solely on the basis of their grades and other merits and not on the basis of something so irrelevant to the college experience as skin color. Reverse racism is ALSO racism and as a Hispanic woman, I want to do everything I can to perpetuate racism in this beautiful country of ours. I still remember the glory days of the '60's when everything was about race. Man [and woman and non-binary for that matter!!] should be judged by the color of their skin much more than by the content of their character - to paraphrase Dr. King."
Thank G-d for sane voices in the Supreme Court like these two distinguished ladies [even though Ms. Jackson famously was unable to define a woman]!! Hope they keep fighting the fight for justice!!!