גמרא חגיגה ט"ו::י"ד
אחר מאי זמר יווני לא פסק מפומיה.
The Gemara explains: Acher, what was his failing? Greek tunes never ceased from his mouth. He would constantly hum Greek songs, even when he was among the Sages.
One question which has received attention over the years is: What makes "Jewish music" Jewish?
One of the biggest stars today of Jewish music today, he should live and be well, lists his influences as .... Frank Sinatra, Michael Jackson [😲😲😲] and Michael Bublé [who I never heard of until now but a quick search revealed that this Roman Catholic used to sleep with his Bible and has sold over 75 million records, including hits such as "Christmas" "Nobody But Me" and "Crazy Love"].
What are the ramifications of this?
Remember: One popular you tube song is going to get millions [!!!] more views than any Torah shiur. So music has a TREMENDOUS impact. The star will appears at summer camps, hotel programs, all over the place. People scream for him like a true rock star [which is essentially what he is] and his concerts will mimic rock concerts [because that is what they are]. Any Gadol Bi-Torah, no matter how big and how holy, is not going to get a fraction of the public attention and adulation that an entertainer will.
Like - who is going to invite Rav Asher Arieli Shlita to give a Shiur Klali at a Pesach program? [Not that he would accept the invitation]. Let's face it. Entertainment sells more than Torah. Sadly. That is why, so much of Torah is marketed with accompanying entertainment. Imagine a daf yomi siyum with nothing but divrei Torah and some shnapps and mezonos. I am not saying that it is bad that people need to be entertained. It is reality and should be used for the good [as it often is].
Back to our original question: Some would argue that if the words are Jewish themed then it is Jewish music.
Some would argue that this is not enough to classify it as "Jewish".
So one measuring stick would be if the music makes people want to be better Jews or not. Does it increase their motivation to be holy or not. After the performance, do people daven a better maariv or not.
Preliminary thoughts.