The Rambam paskens that one may not leave Eretz Yisrael unless there are special circumstances:
אסור לצאת מארץ ישראל לחוצה לארץ לעולם אלא ללמוד תורה או לישא אשה או להציל מן העכו"ם [הלכות מלכים ה-ט].
In May, 779,000 people flew out of Israel!!! They were all either going to learn Torah, get married or save Jews from enemies? C'mon....
BUT - I found a limmud zchus [there are others!!]. The poskim say that if one is ill he is allowed to leave for healing. This illness can be emotional or physical. So when people see their friends and neighbors going to chutz la-aretz, they are consumed with jealousy!! It eats them up alive. "They are having fun in Switzerland and I am stuck in traffic b/c of another miserable demonstration??!!"
So now it is permitted to go. רפואה!!!