Thursday, August 24, 2023

Teaching With Faith

 The religious Zionist community in Israel has about a 25 percent dropout rate. There are many reasons for this [the army being one of them]. It is a tragedy. 

I saw that two different yeshivos from that world offered their students a series of shiurim on כפירה - who were the major כופרים in the modern period and what their philosophies were etc. given by academics who clearly was on the side of the כופרים. There was no attempt to answer their claims, just an "objective" presentation of their opinions. [I watched the classes so I know exactly what they said]. 

That is a sgulah for kids to become irreligious. Why should they be religious if their own yeshivos teach them that it is not true.  

We need to teach our children about the truth of our tradition and not the opposite. If they want כפירה they can always go to an university. That is not the task of yeshivos. How sad that something so obvious has to be stated.