Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Rebbetzin Attacks Torah

Some people think that the biggest danger to Jews and Judaism is non-Jews. This may or may not be true. What is certain is that Jews constitute a great danger to Judaism. Jews who don't identify as Orthodox are less of a danger b/c everyone knows that they don't represent authentic Judaism or Torah. But so-called Orthodox Jews who claim to represent Torah and then distort or attack it are a much greater danger. 

I read an essay by a "Rebbetzin" [married to a real Orthodox rabbi] where she attacked 1] Tzniyus 2] Taharas Hamishpacha and 3] Chazal. She doesn't like any of those ideas/mitzvos and people. 

What she DIDN'T write was that she was starting with an assumption, namely, that Hashem didn't give us the Torah [רח"ל]. If she would believe that Hashem gave us the Torah then she wouldn't have been so strident and harsh. But she doesn't believe - or has a weak belief - and thus since she has emotional issues [which come out very clearly in her essay] with Tzniyus and Taharas Hamishpacha, she feels free to publicly attack them and those who propagated those ideas i.e. Chazal HaKedoshim.     

What she also seems to miss out on is that it is all her narrative. There are plenty of people - both men and women - who see the beauty and majesty in the Halachos relating to male-female relationships. She doesn't and her feelings are legitimate. That is the way she feels. But that doesn't mean that she should spread her negativity and animus to the world. Instead, she should work on trying to understand and experience the beauty. 

פאה פ"א ה"א: "אמר רב מנא: 'כי לא דבר ריק הוא', ואם ריק הוא – 'מכם' הוא, ולמה? מפני שאין אתם יגעים בתורה".

If something in the Torah seems empty, it is a reflection of us, not the Torah. 

To accept that one has to begin with a belief in the Divinity of the Torah.