Monday, September 25, 2023

Thoughts On Emotion


You are not responsible for how other people feel. You are only responsible for your behavior—including your mental behavior.

Don’t trust your emotions. Listen to them, but don’t take orders.

Procrastination is a values problem. Your tendency to procrastinate is inversely proportional to the clarity of your values.

Thoughts are the only direct cause of emotions. If you want to feel differently, practice thinking differently—or better yet, pay attention differently.

Stress management is a waste of time. Manage your stressors, not your stress.

Relationship problems are never about communication. Poor communication is the symptom, not the cause.

Chronic anxiety comes from avoiding anxiety. To free yourself from anxiety, you must be willing to have it.

The events of your past are less important than your habits in the present. Allocate your time and attention accordingly.

Emotion management is one of the most important skills in life. Most people never learn even the basics, which is a tragedy for those who don’t and an incredible advantage for those who do.