Wednesday, December 26, 2018


I  just went to prepare myself a cup of tea. While I was waiting for the water to boil, I picked up a frum magazine [does the magazine only eat kosher?] lying around. I read a letter to the editor from a woman who asserted that if the Democrats and Far Left get into power then we are in tremendous danger because they have the same agenda as  .... Hitler. 

Now a Far Leftist I am not [although I am a lefty. When I used to write with a pen, I would use my left hand. Now I type with my right hand as well, to be mekayim ימין ה' רוממה] but is she not exaggerating a TAD BIT??! Hitler?? Who - Bernie Sanders? He might be misguided and he DID help the Nazi's eliminate the Jews by intermarrying - but he is not a Hitler. Obama? Not a guy I would appoint a Principal in a Yeshiva because who knows who he would allow in which bathroom and he would encourage alternative family attitudes of which we don't approve. But Hitler? Who else? Hillary? She probably wanted to do to Bill at certain times what the Nazi's did to us - but hey, that's Bill's fault. Bill should know about Shovevim and he conducted numerous affairs during this sacred period. Foreign affairs, domestic affairs - it didn't matter to Bill where the women were from. He just wanted to fulfill his lustful desires. But is she a Hitler?? 

So, let us be careful in our formulations.... People who read this magazine might actually think that there is some element of truth in her words, lose sleep and feel more anxious than they already are.