There is a video circulating widely on social media of a young black man detonating a fire bomb that exploded on the body of a sleeping 66 year old homeless man on Lennox Avenue in Harlem. It was just beyond horrifying. [He is alive and being treated in the hospital for burns].
Where is the public outcry? Where are the protests? If this was just one incident then that is one thing. But the amount of crime and number of hoodlums is endless. Instead of defunding the police department [who protect us from such animals when they can] maybe we need to think of ways to educate children [of all races] to be human beings. Maybe we are used to this because there is so much violence EVERY DAY. Not only in the jungles but in our cities!
In sports you often have brawls. Two people are angry at each other and the next thing you know the benches clear and people are punching each other in the face. It is so WEIRD for me to view this. I was always taught that when I have a disagreement, I verbally but respectfully present my side of the issue. I literally have never punched another human being in the face in my life [although I can't claim that I have never wanted to]. It is just not a normal way to behave. And the fans LOVE it. The same things happen at bars - and all over the place.
Maybe the world needs to revamp its educational system and teach children what is acceptable and what is not. Maybe sports like boxing should be banned. We have this mass form of entertainment where it is two people trying to punch each other so hard in the face and other parts of the body so that the other person doesn't get up. INSANE. And people LOVE it!! "Look at him bleed!!! Punch him!!! Kill HIM!!!" And all the violence in movies and TV also don't make people more peaceful. Studies have shown - and this is a SHOCKER - that after seeing violence, people are more likely to act violently!!! We really have to think of ways to make society more peaceful and civil.
This is really also a gender issue. Women are far less physically violent than men. So men in particular have to learn how to deal with their aggression in healthy ways. Women have other issues...