Sunday, June 28, 2020

Weird Disease - STAY HEALTHY!!

This Corona ימ"ש שר"י is STRANGE!! 

It goes into baseball stadiums, so they are closed - but not into abortion clinics, so they are open.

In my shul it says up to seventy people per minyan. So until 70 people Corona knows not to enter. But the second the 71st person comes in, BOOM!! EVERYONE is in mortal danger. 

Weddings - up until 250 people. It knows that from 71-250 it is not invited. Number 251 walks in and get the ventilators ready. 

It goes into sleep away camps so those are closed [in NY] but it knows to stay away from day camps so those are open.  

For a long while the men's mikvaos were closed but the women's mikvaos were open. So Corona doesn't like going into women's mikvaos [maybe מצד צניעות?] but loves killing the men in theirs. 

It hangs out in parks where little children play but the moment there is a demonstration with thousands of people protesting the [albeit unjust] death of a criminal  - it doesn't come near. I guess Corona feels solidarity with the BLM movement. 

This Corona ימ"ש is a WEIRD dude. Tough to figure him out. 

A מאדנא מחלה!!!!

But it has already killed over a half a million and made countless more sick. So PLEASE - err on the side of caution and be extra special careful. If you are worried about your ruchniyos - contact me and I will assure you that this is the will of Hashem. Taking care of your health is not only part of the Torah but the prerequisite for keeping it.

How did my Doctor phrase it? 

המנהיג עצמו על פי הרפואה. אם שם על לבו שיהיה כל גופו ואבריו שלמים בלבד ושיהיו לו בנים עושין מלאכתו ועמלין לצורכו אין זו דרך טובה. אלא ישים על לבו שיהא גופו שלם וחזק כדי שתהיה נפשו ישרה לדעת את ה'. שאי אפשר שיבין וישתכל בחכמות והוא רעב וחולה או אחד מאיבריו כואב. וישים על לבו שיהיה לו בן אולי יהיה חכם וגדול בישראל. נמצא המהלך בדרך זו כל ימיו עובד את ה' תמיד, אפילו בשעה שנושא ונותן ואפילו בשעה שבועל. מפני שמחשבתו בכל כדי שימצא צרכיו עד שיהיה גופו שלם לעבוד את ה'. ואפילו בשעה שהוא ישן אם ישן לדעת כדי שתנוח דעתו עליו וינוח גופו כדי שלא יחלה ולא יוכל לעבוד את ה' והוא חולה, נמצאת שינה שלו עבודה למקום ברוך הוא. ועל ענין זה צוו חכמים ואמרו וכל מעשיך יהיו לשם שמים. והוא שאמר שלמה בחכמתו בכל דרכיך דעהו והוא יישר אורחותיך:

הואיל והיות הגוף בריא ושלם מדרכי השם הוא. שהרי אי אפשר שיבין או ידע דבר מידיעת הבורא והוא חולה. לפיכך צריך להרחיק אדם עצמו מדברים המאבדין את הגוף. ולהנהיג עצמו בדברים המברין והמחלימים. ואלו הן. לעולם לא יאכל אדם אלא כשהוא רעב. ולא ישתה אלא כשהוא צמא. ואל ישהא נקביו אפילו רגע אחד. אלא כל זמן שצריך להשתין או להסך את רגליו יעמוד מיד:

A person who accustoms himself to live by [the rules of] medicine does not follow a proper path if his sole intention is that his entire body and limbs be healthy and that he have children who will do his work and toil for him. Rather, he should have the intent that his body be whole and strong, in order for his inner soul to be upright so that [it will be able] to know God. For it is impossible to understand and become knowledgeable in the wisdoms when one is starving or sick, or when one of his limbs pains him. [Similarly,] one should intend to have a son [with the hope that] perhaps he will be a wise and great man in Israel.

Thus, whoever walks in such a path all his days will be serving God constantly; even in the midst of his business dealings, even during intercourse for his intent in all matters is to fulfill his needs so that his body be whole to serve God.

Even when he sleeps, if he retires with the intention that his mind and body rest, lest he take ill and be unable to serve God because he is sick, then his sleep is service to the Omnipresent, blessed be He.

On this matter, our Sages have directed and said: "And all your deeds should be for the sake of Heaven." This is what Solomon declared in his wisdom: "Know Him in all your ways and He will straighten your paths" (Proverbs 3:6).

Since maintaining a healthy and sound body is among the ways of God - for one cannot understand or have any knowledge of the Creator, if he is ill - therefore, he must avoid that which harms the body and accustom himself to that which is healthful and helps the body become stronger.

They are as follows: a person should never eat unless he is hungry, nor drink unless thirsty. He should never put off relieving himself, even for an instant. Rather, whenever he [feels the] need to urinate or move his bowels, he should do so immediately.

[Hilchos Deyos 3-3, 4-1]