Sunday, June 21, 2020

We MUST Ignore Doctors!! - Holocaust On The Way?? - Love Enemies Of Hashem??

Three videos I saw today [no links - I try if I can to oppose ideas and not people ח"ו]:

One, a Rosh Yeshiva in the US who is LIVID that minyanim were stopped and that people reported those who were having secret minyanim. He said that for Mesirah it says in Shulchan Aruch one can kill - but one should consult with a posek before acting. And people listen to DOCTORS, he fumes. Doctors don't understand the importance of tefilla so how can we listen to them!!??

As if even the Gedolim in Eretz Yisrael [and America] didn't pasken that shuls and yeshivos should be closed. He is bigger than all of them? He is better in learning than Rav Asher Weiss who is EMPHATIC that we listen to the medical authorities?? Very VERY unlikely.

And Mesirah? People who are endangering other people's lives are [according to many poskim] RODFIM [please don't kill them though - we have enough dead people]. A Moser is someone who is endangering the lives of Jews - not saving them. 

And why do the Gemara and Shulchan Aruch say to listen to doctors who say to be מחלל שבת or to eat on Yom Kippur??? According to him, they don't understand what Shabbos and Yom Kippur are, so we shouldn't listen to them???!! So he is arguing with the Gemara and Shulchan Aruch. They are WRONG - he is RIGHT!!!

Then again, maybe he has a point - after all, no Jews died from Corona...

If I were in his Yeshiva - I would find myself another Rosh Yeshiva. One who follows the Poskim of our time and especially the Gemara and Shulchan Aruch.


Another video: A Baal Teshuva who gets tens of thousands of views on his videos. You want to hear Toras Emes? Better listen to Talmidei Chachomim and not to people who might be entertaining but don't have substantial Torah to back up their talks. He is predicting a possible Holocaust in America and that Moshiach is about to come. 

No Holocaust on the way and we HOPE for Moshiach but really don't know when he is coming. 

With all due respect. Who does he think he is?? Where is the humility? We don't know what will be!!!   

He says that everyone has to move to Israel where it is safe and [among other reasons] the economy is so great there. Interesting. There are LOADS of people DROWNING in debt. People borrow money with no means or plan to pay it back [other than hoping someone else will lend them money to cover it]. Others don't have debt. They just have nothing. I know these people personally and there are tens or hundreds of thousands whom I don't know. You want an EASY life? Not on this planet. We should live in Israel b/c it is a mitzva - not b/c it is easy.

Also - he is against vaccines. And the reason people kill each other is ..... b/c of all the radiation in our food.


ה' ירחם.

He also says that the falling of the Twin Towers was predicted by the Zohar with all the details. WOW!! Let's CHECK IT OUT!!  

This is what the Zohar Hakadosh says: 

I will show you, but not for now, for these things will only come to be at that time, some after time and some in the Days of King Mashiach. "A star has gone forth from Jacob ..." (Numbers 24:17). This teaches us that in the future, the Holy One, Blessed is He, will build Jerusalem, and one star will spark within seventy pillars of fire and seventy sparks will receive light from it in the middle of the sky. The other seventy stars will be swallowed within it. It will give off light and blaze for seventy days. At the end of the sixth day it will become visible at the beginning of the twenty-fifth day of the sixth month. It will be gathered in at the end of seventy complete days and be visible in the city of Rome, and on that day, three great walls will fall and a great hall will fall, and the power of that city will die. (Zohar, Balak, 212b)

For the record the Hebrew date of 9/11 was the 23rd of Elul. And where were the seventy pillars of fire? 70 days?? 3 great walls? A great hall? The power of the city died? Was Jerusalem rebuilt then??

We MUST NOT be mechanech with SHEKER. 

He means well but I really think he is misleading people in a big way.

I would post videos with what I believe is a more balanced approached and hopefully backed up by 3 decades of learning but my videos get very few views....   


3] A well known rabbi who said that he LOVES [that was his word and not mine] Richard Dawkins ימח שמו שם רשעים ירקב. The number one enemy of Hashem on the planet earth and he loves him. A TRUE wonder. A little sick in my opinion. The illness is called "trying to show how tolerant I am". Tolerance is great when appropriate. Terrible when inappropriate.

And, he asserts, there is One G-d but many ways to serve Him. All religions, he preaches, are true. They really aren't. According to the Jewish religion [which he purports to represent] there is ONE way to serve G-d - the Torah way. Either by being Jewish and keeping 613 commandments or by being a Gentile and keeping 7 mitzvos because the G-d of Israel commanded. See the Rambam who is very clear about this in Hilchos Melachim [8-11]. We don't like idolatry in any form. Not serving a man who is claimed to be G-d. And not serving a god who HATES Jews and promises you a heaven with 70 previously untouched maidlach for blowing yourself up with some non-believers. Nor the other religions. Today it is PC to validate other religions but not according to our tradition. It is OK to believe that we are right and others are wrong. Hashem revealed Himself to us and to the Neviim to tell us just that.