Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Secret Of Good Health

Today there is a lot of talk about mind body connection. That is PROBABLY b/c indeed the mind and body are connected .....馃榾

Our Torah already taught us this thousands of years ago, as we will see. It is soooooo important to internalize this idea. If one is not emotionally and spiritually sound, it will have a deleterious and detrimental effect on one's physical health.  



(诇) 讞ַ讬ֵּ֣讬 讘ְ֭砖ָׂ专ִ讬诐 诇ֵ֣讘 诪ַ专ְ驻ֵּ֑讗 讜ּ专ְ拽ַ֖讘 注ֲ爪ָ诪֣讜ֹ转 拽ִ谞ְ讗ָֽ讛׃

The life of the body is a heart at peace, but envy rots the bones.
讞讬讬 讘砖专讬诐 诇讘 诪专驻讗 – 诇讘 讘砖专, 砖讛讜讗 专讜驻讗 讗转 讛专注讛 讜注讜讘专 注诇 诪讚讜转讬讜, 讛讜讗 讞讬讬 讛讘专讬讜转 砖讛诐 讘砖专 讜讚诐.
讜专拽讘 注爪诪讜转 拽谞讗讛 – 讗讚诐 讘注诇 讞诪讛 讜拽谞讗讛 专拽讘讜谉 注爪诪讜转 讛讜讗 诇讻诇.
拽谞讗讛 – 讟ָ讗ִ讬谞讗 讘诇注讝.
A healing heart is the life of the flesh - A heart of flesh, which heals the evil and passes over his insults [doesn't respond when offended], is the life of the creatures of the Holy One, blessed be He, who are flesh and blood.
but anger is the rot of the bones - A man who is often angry is the rot of everyone's bones.


      诪诇讘讬"诐 - 诪讬 砖诪专讬诐 爪讬讜专讬 讛拽谞讗讛 砖诪拽谞讗 诇讻讘讜讚讜 注诇 讛诇讘, 诪诇讘讚 讛讗讜诇转 谞讙讚 讛讞讻诪讛 讛讜讗 诪砖讞讬转 讗"注, 讗讞专 砖讛诇讘 诪专驻讗 讞讬讬 讘砖专讬诐, 砖讞讬讬 讛讘砖专 讜专驻讜讗转讜 讗诐 讬讞诇砖 讻讞讜, 讛讜讗 转诇讜讬 讘诇讘, 讻砖讛诇讘 讗诪讬抓 讜讞讝拽 诪砖诇讞 诪注讬谞讜转讬讜 讘谞讞诇讬诐 讬专讜爪讜 讘砖讟祝 注"讬 讛注讜专拽讬诐 讜讬砖拽讜 讛讘砖专 讜讬讞讬讜 讗讜转讜, 讜注"讻 诪讬 砖诪专讬诐 拽谞讗讛 讗诇 讛诇讘 诇讗 诇讘讚 砖诪讻诇讛 讛讘砖专 讻讬 讙诐 诪专拽讬讘 讛注爪诪讜转, 讜讬讻诇讛 讙讜驻讜, 讜讻诪"砖 诪讻诇 诪砖诪专 谞爪讜专 诇讘讱 讻讬 诪诪谞讜 转讜爪讗讜转 讞讬讬诐.

      诪爪讜讚转 讚讜讚 - 诪讬 砖讬砖 诇讜 诇讘 专驻讜讬, 讜讗讬谞讜 诪拽砖讛 诇讘讜 诇谞讟讜专 拽谞讗讛, 讛讜讗 诇讜 诇讞讬讬 讘砖专讬诐, 讻讬 诇讗 讬讚讗讙 讗讬讱 讜讘诪讛 讬谞拽讜诐 谞拽诐, 讗讘诇 讛诪拽砖讛 诇讘讜 讜谞讜讟专 拽谞讗讛, 讛讜讗 住讘讛 诇讛讘讬讗 专拽讘讜谉 讘注爪诪讜转讬讜 诇讛转诪讚转 讛讚讗讙讛.

      讗讘谉 注讝专讗 - 讜讛诇讘 砖诇讗 讬讝注祝 讜诇讗 讬拽谞讗 讘讗讞专, 讛讜讗 讻诪专驻讗 诇讙讜驻讜'.. 讘讛讬讜转 诇讛诐 诇讘 诪专驻讗, 讜讛讜讗 讛诇讘 讛讟讜讘 讜讛砖诪讞 砖讬专驻讗 讛讙讜祝 讘砖诪讞转讜.


Mussar Haskel: Take it easy. Your health depends on it!!!馃榾馃挋馃槝