Monday, November 28, 2022

Time Management

Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determine how that coin will be spent. Be careful that you do not let other people spend it for you.
~ Carl Sandburg


There are about 1.14 billion websites. 

There are over 2.4 million podcasts with over 66 million episodes.

There are about there are about 800 million videos on YouTube, with an average length of 11.7 minutes. It would take 9.36 billion minutes to watch it all. That's 156 million hours, 6.5 million days, or 17,810 years of consecutive video watching.

There are about 100 billion whatsapps sent every day.  

There are about 2.85 billion monthly users of Facebook. 

There are about 600 million blogs in the world.

Twitter has about 396.5 Million Users Globally

All of these platforms want YOUR attention. 

So let us be mindful. We are here for a VERY short time [relatively speaking]. What are we going to do with our time?? Are we going to allow ourselves to be sucked in??

Rav Chaim Kniyevsky used a phone twice in his life. 

The Lubavitcher Rebbe would only answer the phone if he knew who was calling and why. Otherwise - the phone could ring and ring and he wouldn't answer. The vast majority of the time, his secretaries took his calls. He owned his phone. His phone didn't own him.

Neither of these two luminaries drove a car. 

Am I suggesting that we stop using our phones and driving cars? NOOOOOOOO!!!  

I AM suggesting that we learn from their approach. They defined for themselves what their goals are in life and everything that they felt didn't advance their goals didn't exist. It didn't matter what "everyone else" was doing. Completely independent in their thought processes. Tunnel vision. מה ה' א--להיך שואל מעמך. What does Hashem want. Period. 

So 24 hours in a day. First goal: Don't waste a SECOND!!! 

Now - creating a seder hayom that utilizes every second. This must include "down time", family time, eating time etc. etc. Each person according to their own needs. 

Learning time: What to learn???????????? SO MANY OPTIONS!!!!!!!!!! BARUCH HASHEM!!! But perplexing. How much Gemara, Parsha, Mussar, Halacha etc. etc. You have to find time for everything and the challenge is deciding how time to devote to each discipline. 

SWEEEEETESTTTTTTTTTTTTTT FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Money comes, money goes. When it goes, you can always go back and get more [sign up for my youtube channel and I will teach YOU how to make over 50 thousand dollars a month. Please subscribe, press the like button, and write a review. Even if you don't make the 50k - you generated revenue for me and that is  what really matters 😀😘]. When time goes it NEVER comes back. Lost FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. 

האדם דואג על איבוד דמיו ואינו דואג על איבוד ימיו. 

ימיו אינם חוזרים ודמיו אינם עוזרים. 

So pleeeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeee, have mercy on your soul and make the most of the gift of life.