ש"ק א' שט"ז
עיקר כבדות ההשגה הוא על ידי מה שהרצון אל הטוב ואל השלמות נחלש על ידי פגמי המדות והעונות, ובאמת ראוי להתענות כדי להתיש את כח הרע שבחומר, המונע את הרצון מלעלות במעלותיו.
The essence of the arduousness of comprehension is due to [the fact that a person’s] will for the good and for wholeness is weakened as a result of blemishes of [his] traits and sins. In truth, it [would be] appropriate [for him to] fast in order to debilitate the power of the evil within [his] materiality, which prevents [his] will from rising [along] its gradations.
We all have a will for good. We are born with it. But due to the corruption of our pure Neshamos that took place over time, that will was weakened. It would make sense that in order to enhance our spiritual side and weaken our connection to the physical, we should fast.
אבל צריך לשקול גם כן את הכח הרוחני והגופני אם הוא מסכים לזה, בכל אופן אין להתיאש מעליית הרצון. ואפילו כשנשארים כמה פגמים שלא נתתקנו, בין במדות בין במעשים, צריך לצפות לחסד ד' ולתשועה עליונה, כי טוב וישר ד', ויורה חטאים בדרך.
But [a person] must also weigh whether [his] spiritual and bodily power agrees to this. At any rate, he should not despair of an elevation of [his] will. Even when there remain a few blemishes that were not repaired, whether in character traits [or] in deeds, he must anticipate the kindness of Hashem and supernal salvation, because “Hashem is good and upright, and He directs sinners upon the path” (Psalms 25:8).