Shabbos is מעין עולם הבא in time. Learning Torah is מעין עולם הבא for the psyche and soul. What is the nature of עולם הבא? The Tzadikim sit with crowns on their heads and enjoy the splendor of Hashem's glory. What is THAT about? The crowns symbolize perception and understanding. The Tzadikim in עולם הבא gain a deeper and deeper of הקדוש ברוך הוא. THAT is the greatest pleasure imaginable.
What is Torah? Torah is אנכי - א'נא נ'פשי כ'תבית י'הבית. Hashem put His soul [כביכול] in the Torah [Shabbos 105a]. The Torah is the names of Hashem written in the form of laws and stories [Ramban - Hakdama to the Torah]. That is the meaning of what we say in Birchos HaTorah "ונהיה אנחנו וצאצאינו וצאצאי עמך בית ישראל כולנו יודעי שמך ולומדי תורתך לשמה" - How did knowing Hashem's name get in there?? The Torah is Hashem's Kabbalistic name. To know Torah is to know Hashem as best we can.
So learning Torah is in fact a piece of עולם הבא right here in our world.
Chazal talk about 3 Shabbosos - Shabbos of creation, Shabbos of the giving of the Torah and Shabbos of the end of days. The Shabbos of the giving of the Torah alludes to the Shabbos מעין עולם הבא aspect of Torah.
And learning Torah on Shabbos? Doubles of מעין עולם הבא!!!
So BY GOLLLLLYYYY!!! Why do people spend so much of the time they COULD be learning doing other things?? פלאי פלאות!!!!
All I can say is "טעמו וראו כי טוב השם"!!!!!!!!!!!!
[בחלקו עפ"י תורת מרן ראש הישיבה זצ"ל]