A fellow I know was debating where to go for Succos - Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh or .... Cancun.
I think that this dilemma characterizes our generation beautifully. Many frum Jews want the BEST of Ruchniyus and the BEST of Gashmiyus. They want to buy a sleek $80,000 car and also want their sons to learn in the elite Brisk Yeshivos [not easy to get accepted]. They want to learn daf yomi or even give the shiur and also want to own three homes [and often do]. They want to go on the fanciest over the top vacation to exotic spots and also insist that there be minyanim and a high standard of kashrus.
I am not saying that I am any better. Maybe if I had the choice I'd be the same way. I just can't afford Cancun or Yerushalayim. But the Rambam's "חורבן הנפש בתיקון הגוף ותיקון הנפש בחורבן הגוף” and Rabeinu Bechaye's ”ככל שיוסיף הישוב בניין יוסיף השכל חורבן” and the Malbim's ”גדר הקדושה הוא שיתנשא על כל ענייני החומר והבשר אל עניינים אלוקיים רוחניים וזה נמנע עם כוונתכם אל הגמול שהוא לטובת עצמכם” are lost values.
I am reminded of the Jew who stored his golf clubs under a picture of Rav Shach, probably not being aware of the incongruity of the golf clubs and the culture they represent and Rav Shach and the culture he represented.
If the attitude was "בכל דרכיך דעהו" and it is all in the framework of Avodas Hashem then great. But I have my doubts....