The Chofetz Chaim says that people think that there is a חברת שטאבער'ס - club of people who die. But *I* don't have to worry. I am not a member of that club...
Turns out, that we are ALL members of that club. No membership fee required. 😊😊
Within 24 hours I found out about 4 different people who passed away to whom I had a personal connection. Each one a remarkable human being. Much, much better than I am and will probably ever be. 3 - suddenly. 1 - after a lengthy illness. 3 - younger than the average age of death and one older.
WOW! It was like "that's it". The cheshbon for תשפ"ג is closed. Now we have to worry about making it through תשפ"ד. But no. The Malach Hamaves follows the Yogi Berra rule of "it ain't over till it's over".
"How was your Rosh Hashana?"
"Ask me at the end of the year".
Sweetest friends - what will be? In the meantime I don't know but how it will all end I know.
So here is the bright side!!!!
WE ARE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can do something kind or holy EVERY SECOND. We can have a positive thought, say a good word, overcome מדות רעות - the possibilities are endless!!!
A sweet delicious new year!!! 😘😘😘