The biggest problem with the Internet might not be the פריצות or the כפירה [both of which are out of control] but something else entirely.
קרירות. Kaltkeit. Coldness. There are endless things that one sees and reads that make one cold and distant in their Avodas Hashem - particularly on sites designed for Orthodox Jews.
Someone once asked the Chazon Ish if he is allowed to go to the army. He said that he will remain religious but will be cooled off in his Avodas Hashem.
The Chazon Ish responded that being cooled off in Avodas Hashem is יהרג ואל יעבור.
There are, for example, numerous blogs that *officially* have no כפירה [until you get to the comments which are filled with כפירה, חירוף וגידוף] but over every word on the blog hovers a spirit of כפירה. [I would name them but everyone who reads blogs should know who they are].
"אשר קרך בדרך" - The Amalek we are commanded to destroy today is the קרך, the coldness, the mockery, the apathy and the cynicism.
The real problem is not global warming but global cooling.