Thursday, September 14, 2023

Making Goals

"Dr. Stan Beecham is a world-renowned performance psychologist who works with winners of all kids from gold medal athletes to CEOs. He says winners, people who are great, and elite performers have one big thing in common:

Their goals scare them just a little.

Dr. Beecham argues that we should have dreams that we think we have only a 60% chance of success. The 40% chance of failure really lights a fire under us!

Think about your goals and dreams. Are they big enough? What are the chances you will achieve them?

Fear gets your full attention. Here were my audacious goals from 2011:

Grow my YouTube channel to 1 million views

Write a bestselling book

Speak at Google

At the time they seemed impossible. I thought maybe I had a 30% chance of achieving them. I had no idea that was key.

11 years later, I can’t even believe I am writing this:

My YouTube channel has over 50 million views.

Both of my books became instant national bestsellers and have been translated into 16 languages (!!).

I regularly speak at major companies like Google, Intel and Microsoft and just recently guest taught classes at Harvard and Stanford."


Yes - but are you better at controlling your תאוות האכילה? Do you have more control over your thoughts and speech? Are you more self aware? Are you kinder and more generous and less self absorbed??

The common denominator between this writer and MOST people is that their goals are externally oriented and thus not dependent on themselves but on factors outside of them. This is often a recipe for failure. So I am not saying that one shouldn't have goals that relate to external realities but that is not the ikker. 

As we go into the new year, I would like us to make goals that are completely dependent upon us [and Hashem of course] and not on outside factors such as how many people like me or buy my product. That is all הבל ורעות רוח anyway [besides the parnassa benefits which I don't make light of].

A place we can all start is with רצון. We can work on our will, what we WANT out of ourselves and life. We can align our will with Hashem's will. We can have the will to be holier, more careful about shmiras einayim, machshava, dibbur, hearing and reading nivul peh etc. etc. Before we do ANYTHING we have to have a strong will - "I want to be holy". 

We can also work on our will to be greater Talmidei Chachomim, to improve our middos etc. etc.

THEN - we have to compose a "game plan" of how we are going to go about actualizing our will. But that is where it starts. חיזוק הרצון!!!