The Torah explicitly says [שמות כב ל] that if you have treif meat you should throw it to a dog. Open and shut case. MITZVA.
Nooooooooooot so simple. Oddly, our great Sages who enumerated the 613 mitzvos omitted it. Not there. Shulchan Aruch? Not there. So no mitzva.
But what about the pasuk that says to do it?
Good point.
[I made a point]
Well the Minchas Chinuch in מצוה עג says that according to תוספות in מסכת יומא there is a mitzva from the Torah to give your unkosher meat to a dog. עיין שם!
Bottom line - You can't lose if you do it. At worst a dog got a delicious lunch. ורחמיו על כל מעשיו.
Any thoughts sweet friends??