Monday, January 16, 2012

The Chesed That Is Transformed To Fear

ואני ברוב חסדך אבוא ביתך אשתחוה אל היכל קדשך ביראתך

When a Jew walks into shul he should say that pasuk from tehilim which translates as "And I with Your abundant chesed will go to your house, I will bow to your holy sanctuary with fear"

The pagans go to their temples out of fear because the gods are MAD and the people must appease them. But we go to shul with a feeling of love knowing how much chesed Hashem does for us. However, once we arrive we are overcome with fear and awe of Hashem's presence.


Also, we must realize what a chesed Hashem does for us that he allows us into HIS HOUSE. The more we realize His chesed, the more we are overcome with fear of His awesome greatness.

[Rav Charlap Mei Marom page 27]

The word בית can refer to a shul or the beis hamikdash. We must remember when we go into a shul that it is a mikdash me'at - a mini beis hamikdash, and act accordingly. There is even an opinion in halacha that giving honor to a shul is a mitzva from the Torah [Sefer Yeraim]. People take kedushas beis hakneses very lightly but the halacha is that one is not allowed to talk about secular matters their and should certainly not talk on his cellphone.