Monday, May 27, 2019

A Chinuch Lesson - Kind And Hospitable - Love Stories

I was zocheh to speak today at Yeshivat Har Etzion. They were SOOOOOO kind and hospitable to me - especially considering the fact that I never would have been accepted as a student because they accept the best and the brightest and I was neither in my youth. In my old age, I am no better [having lots of gray hair doesn't necessarily make one smarter, as I can attest]. What was amazing is that they wanted to give the talmidim a positive view of the Charedi world, so they invited a Charedi Rosh Yeshiva and myself [the Rosh Yeshiva for profound hashkafic insights and analysis and me for one liners and sports stories. Totally out of my league]. THAT is true chinuch. Spending the year teaching the students the values you believe in and before they leave reminding them that people who believe otherwise are also people whose views have legitimacy.  

As a gift, they gave me the sefer "מנחת אביב" of HaGaon Rav Aharon Lichtenstein ztz"l. So kind. 

I am hoping that next time I come [if there is a next time] they give me a copy [I will even pay] of "Shiurei HaGaon Harav Aharon Lichtenstein Al Likkutei Moharan". 

That would be something!!! 

Then "Peirushei HaGaon Harav Aharon Lichtenstein Al Sippurei Maasiyot".

I don't understand much lomdus, but I EAT stories up.