Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Torah Mi-Sinai - Part 2

The Gemara in Horiyos [14a] says as follows: 

רב יוסף סיני רבה עוקר הרים שלחו לתמן איזה מהם קודם שלחו להו סיני עדיף דאמר מר הכל צריכין למרי חטיא

Rav Yosef was Sinai; Rabba was one who uproots mountains. They sent a message from Babylonia to there, Eretz Yisrael: Which takes precedence? They sent in response: Sinai is preferable, as the Master said: Everyone requires the owner of the wheat, i.e., one who is expert in the sources.

Rashi explains:

רב יוסף קרו ליה סיני לפי שהיו משניות וברייתות סדורות לו כנתינתן מהר סיני

Rav Yosef as called Sinai because all the Mishnayos and Braisos were in order before him as they were given at Har Sinai. 

הכל צריכין למרי חטיא - כלומר רב יוסף הוא מרי חטיא שמשנה וברייתא סדורין לו מפי השמועה כנתינתן מהר סיני דמשנה וברייתא אבוהון דהלכתא:

Everyone requires the owner of the wheat - In other words, Rav Yosef was the owner of the wheat that the Mishna and Braisa were in order for him according to tradition as they were given at Har Sinai because Mishna and Braisa are the sources [literally "fathers"] of halacha. 

"Sinai" - means that the whole Torah will be found with a person and therefore one can draw Torah from him ["הכל צריכין למרי חטיא"], and it is axiomatic that the this is not talking about a "walking computer" but someone who carries in his Torah, the experience of Sinai. 

At מעמד הר סיני there was a revelation that the entire reality of existence was transformed to become Torah. That is the meaning of the מדרש [Shmos Rabba 29-9]:

א"ר אבהו בשם רבי יוחנן כשנתן הקדוש ברוך הוא את התורה צפור לא צווח עוף לא פרח שור לא געה אופנים לא עפו 

שרפים לא אמרו קדוש קדוש הים לא נזדעזע הבריות לא דברו אלא העולם שותק ומחריש ויצא הקול אנכי ה' אלהיך

When Hashem gave the Torah, a bird didn't chirp etc. and all the animals and angels and nature remained perfectly still and the voice emerged and said "אנכי ה' א-להיך" -  I am the Lord your G-d. 

Meaning, the entire creation joined in the words of אנכי ה' א-להיך and completely assimilated the message into their essence. If they would have been busy doing anything else, that would have been impossible.