Sunday, December 16, 2018


When I younger, there was lots of cheating going on in yeshivos in Modern Orthodox circles [those were the circles I circulated in during my circular youth. Now I move in triangles]. This was well known. It was almost a game - how much can students get away with. And if they get caught - nothing really happened. I see that this is still the case - at least in the flagship institution of Modern Orthodoxy.   

OK - here is my BRILLIANT solution!:-): 

Teach the students from an early age, again and again and again, that cheating is EVIL. Just like we don't eat cheeseburgers, we also don't cheat. Cheating is a serious sin against Hashem. 

One might say that this is self-understood, but believe me - it is REALLY NOT. People don't see it as a religious issue. You need good grades so you cheat. What does that have to do with eating kosher? 

Anybody who will cheat in school, will also cheat in business. Hence, the COUNTLESS scandals with "frum" people who cheated in business, taxes etc. etc. 

So let's start young and educate our kids on this issue.