Thursday, August 15, 2019

Are Things That Bad??

In many ways there has been no better place and time in which to live [for non-Jews] than the USA in 2019. There are many many reasons for this. One is medicine. Illnesses that just decades ago killed people are now easily treatable and readily available for all. Another is technology. Almost everybody has a phone, electricity, running water, even a television and often a computer etc. etc. Who had these things anywhere in the world 120 years ago, even among the richest? 

Another: Equality. How many schools are there at any level that have a policy not accept black students [or Hispanic etc.]? Zero. How many companies or organizations have such a policy? Zero [except for the Klu Klux Klan:-)]. On the average day, how many racist comments does the average black person hear? Zero. How many times is he beaten or lynched for being black? Zero. That's pretty good considering the fact that in the 60's, not so long ago, it wasn't like that at all. Blacks weren't allowed in restaurants, rest rooms, hotels etc. etc. A black person could even theoretically be elected President of the USA! And not only theoretically. Even the "White Supremacist" Trump [Lavan was the first White Supremacist] appointed Ben Carson to be the head of housing and urban development. Carson might not really be black but his skin color sure looks it. There are many many black senators, congressman, mayors, assemblymen etc.. Never in history have blacks been treated so well in a predominately white society. Are things perfect? No. But we are getting closer!! 

Women? Same story. We have women in the highest levels of government, more female medical students than male, female lawyers, CEO's, accountants etc. etc. etc. 

If anybody raises a finger in violence against minorities or women, it is a criminal offense.

What about us Jews? I am Jewish [so my mother told me]. How many Anti Semitic comments have I heard directed at me in my life, after tens of thousands of interactions with Gentiles? About ZERO! Pretty good. What jobs can't Jews get? Catholic priest or nun, but we wouldn't want those jobs anyway. Kills any good shidduch possibilities. There are Jews, even Orthodox Jews, everywhere important. In the highest echelons of government, in all areas of media, medicine, law - everywhere! We can get accepted to any university, gain membership in about every country club. We made it! There is Anti Semitism but the regular experience of the Jew on a standard day lacks anything threatening in any way. 

So what are so many people complaining about? Is White Supremacy a problem? Of course - one White Supremacist or Anti Semite is one too many. One act of violence is one too many. The law enforcement authorities are working very hard to protect people against the rotten apples of society. But White Supremacists and Neo Nazis are like members of Neturei Karta - there are very few but they make an awful lot of noise and people give them far too much attention.

The regular experience of any minority in the USA is positive. Anything out of the ordinary gets extensive press coverage and is condemned by the government and the perpetrators are brought to justice. 

So why are so many people so unhappy with their lives and the state of affairs in our country?


Opioid addiction or suicides will take far more lives in one week than all of the White Supremacists will in an entire year. We should be focusing most of our attention on the former.