Monday, August 19, 2019

Telling It Like It Is

Back in the 70's, Malcolm Hoenlein was being looked to as a power broker on the wider stage, and his friendship was sought in the highest corridors of power. One evening, he received a phone call at home. It was the president of United States, Jimmy Carter. Once he confirmed that the caller was indeed the president, as claimed, Malcolm went to another room and spoke with the leader of the free world. Little Chanoch Hoenlein, just eight years old, followed his father and the president heard the child’s chatter. “Who’s in the background?” he asked. Mr. Hoenlein explained that it was his son, and Carter asked to speak with him.

He asked the child which school he attended. “Torah Vodaas,” was the reply.

“How old are you?”

“Eight,” Chanoch answered.

“Well, I hope you’ll come visit us in the White House one day and play with my daughter Amy, she’s about your age.”

“I go to yeshivah,” came the prompt response. “We don’t play with girls.”