Saturday, August 31, 2019

New Zman

160,000 boys and men will start again in Yeshivos and Kollelim - כן ירבו!!!! See here. Note also the letter to the students of Yeshivas Ateres Yisrael that forbids kosher cell phones and any boy found with a smartphone is out on the spot [this is standard procedure in every "black hat" yeshiva].  

My wish is that the modern "gap year" [don't like that term AT ALL - the IKKER of life is the year in Israel. The rest of one's life is comparatively the "gap"] programs would be similarly strict with smartphones so that boys wouldn't be watching movies in the  dorms - among other things. But alas, it hasn't happened yet and I don't know if it ever will. If a program ever becomes so brave, they will experience a surprising development - a lot more boys will be focused on learning and their minds will be cleansed of the poisons ... 

I am thankful that in my yeshiva days there was no Internet or cell phones. Seeing how little so many of us learned without those distractions, it is frightening to think how much less we would have learned with them.