Friday, June 12, 2020

Assault On Purity And Modesty

We live in tumultuous times. Among other things, the notion that one should suppress one's desires for a higher goal is rarely a treasured value. The goal all too often is to actualize oneself and one's desires at all costs - even when it contradicts and undermines the foundations of a 3,300 year hallowed tradition for which our ancestors sacrificed so much to preserve. 

Not to mention that the very basic quality of Yiras Shomayim, being in awe of the presence of Hashem right here wherever I am, is often absent even from people who daven 3 times a day, meticulously keep Shabbos and keep strictly kosher. When it comes easily or somewhat easily they are willing to submit. But when the really difficult tests come, they give up in advance and insist on their right to live as they desire despite their declared belief that Hashem [who is right HERE watching and will punish those who sin so wantonly] commanded otherwise. It is a character of the post modern world which we inhabit. 

One of the most difficult tests is in the realm of sexual purity and modesty. People have inclinations and often agree to succumb in advance to their desires. Instead of fighting what contradicts the Will of Hashem and our tradition they instead make a philosophy justifying sin and create social frameworks to encourage it. 

There has been a long term controversy about the so called "gay club" at YU and Stern. Those students with same sex attraction [SSA] eagerly and aggressively seek validation and support for משכב זכור which is unquestionably against the values of an Orthodox institution. [In the past, some of the YU Roshei Yeshiva have been bravely outspoken in their opposition]. 

A letter from a Stern girl who has SSA from the latest YU Commentator in an article entitled
"LGBTQ+ and Ally Student Insights" [I gave them NO PERMISSION to use my name so I don't know where THAT came from....]:

“A recent Commentator article suggested that the YU Alliance is inappropriate because it has a ‘certain sexual light,’ more than other YU clubs. Please, tell me what exactly about the YU Alliance screams S--? Is it the Chanuka party they hosted? The shiurim they want to have? If you want to condemn sexual activity that is prohibited by Torah law, why don’t you police the Confessions page, where mentions of heterosexual intimacy run rampant? Write an article about how the Seforim Sale is a dangerous gateway to the transgression of negiah? We are not the ones yelling about queer sex — it is the ‘concerned’ individuals who continually strip queer students of our privacy and humanity with these discussions."

Fascinating!!! What screams S-- about this club more than other clubs? Ahhh - the fact that the club is defined by the SSA of its members. Every other club has no connection at all to the sexual inclinations of its members. The debate club is open to people who are attracted to men, women, blacks and Native Americans because it has absolutely NOTHING to do with sexual attraction. So the other clubs. 

"Chanuka party"? Could that be about meeting others with whom to develop a [forbidden] relationship? 

"The shiurim they want to have". Sometimes the yetzer hara has a beard and peyos. Any student who wants shiurim doesn't have to be part of a "gay club" to hear them. THANK G-D there are ample shiurim for heterosexual students and the topics covered would equally apply to students of all types of inclinations.   

 "If you want to condemn sexual activity that is prohibited by Torah law, why don’t you police the Confessions page, where mentions of heterosexual intimacy run rampant?"

Indeed. Something must be done about the heterosexual intimacy that runs rampant. But why does that justify משכב זכור for which the Torah mandates the death penalty and forbids it in the context of having sexual relations with animals??! Two wrongs, all of our mothers taught, don't make a right.  

"Write an article about how the Seforim Sale is a dangerous gateway to the transgression of negiah?"
It is??? People go and check out seforim and when nobody is looking they touch members of the opposite gender? Boy: "Hey look at this BEAUTIFUL Ktzos". Girl comes over and he hands it to her making sure that he "accidentally" touches her hand as he does. Sounds weird but if it does happen then it should be stopped! No more negiah at the Seforim Sale!! 

"We are not the ones yelling about queer sex — it is the ‘concerned’ individuals who continually strip queer students of our privacy and humanity with these discussions." On the contrary!! If there would be no "gay club" then it would be a non-issue. Nobody would talk about. Those who want to sin would sin in private and not make a club out of it. Privacy? If you want privacy why do you broadcast your sexual preferences? Ask ANY [straight] guy privately if he is ever attracted to married women and he will admit [if he is honest] that it happens ALL THE TIME. Men are attracted to women whether they are married or single, Jewish or Gentile. The woman needs one basic quality - that she is good looking. That is enough. He doesn't even have to know her at all. Pretty superficial [to say the least] but so is the male animal. We aren't proud of it so we don't make a club out of it or advertise to the world and seek legitimacy. It is not coming from the higher place of our soul but from the more base part of our bodies ["נפש הבהמית" in Chabad terminology]. Nobody is striping "queer people" of their privacy and humanity other than these same people who broadcast their SSA to the world and demand legitimacy. It is not something to be proud of. One the contrary - it is a tragedy and requires compassion from us all to appreciate the struggles faced by such people. Statistically, many are quite prone to depression and suicide, even those outside of the Frum community. Many have been abused as children. So so sad.  

So this post is a call for Tzniyus, Kedusha and Taharah from all. Even straight people have tremendous battles and they too must elevate themselves in order to become closer to Hashem and fulfill the pasuk of "קדושים תהיו כי קדוש אני ה' א-להיכם".