Friday, June 5, 2020

Constructive Building

There is something that is really getting to me. George Floyd is dead. He was murdered and justice must be served. If someone wants to do something for him then one can learn mishnayos or do mitzvos in his memory. But we are not bringing him back. 

The issue is: Black Lives Matter. 

OK - There are tens of millions of black people living in abject poverty with not enough food to eat, insufficient medicine and medical care, unclean drinking water etc. etc. Instead of looting, wreaking havoc, beating up policeman all over the world [I just saw a video of wild hoodlums in England viciously attacking police. ENGLAND!! מה לאנגליה ולג'ורג' פלויד??] and destroying people's businesses and lives, why doesn't the entire free world get together and think of ways to help those living in the dregs. We have so many resources to help them. Until now - those black lives have seemed not to matter. The economy for us Westerners was booming until very recently and we let them live as paupers from the 1700's with children who routinely die from curable illnesses.. If people care [and I do very much] then why don't they do something CONSTRUCTIVE instead of destructive.

THAT would be the best honor for the soul of George Floyd. That because of him people woke up to the plight of the unfortunate. We can provide them with not only basic physical materials for their survival but give them an education and help them build a society where people can live in health and prosperity. And all these multi gizzilionaires like Zuckerburg and Gates can lead the way by setting an example by putting their money where their mouth is [which would result in moist money] and making that the issue. 

This obviously doesn't preclude fixing any discrimination against blacks in advanced countries. But I humbly suggest that there is no comparison between the indemnities suffered by the aforementioned population and the daily challenges of a black man in the USA or in other developed countries.     

Maybe it is easier or more fun or more exciting to demonstrate and release pent up emotion with no limits, barriers or rules. Maybe anarchy is desirable to some. But it is not helping anyone and only hurting innocent people. Why don't we instead expend our energies on helping and bringing relief, healing and life to the unfortunate.