Is there one university that doesn't accept black students?
Is there one company that doesn't accept black employees?
Is there one restaurant that doesn't allow black customers?
Is there one transit system that discriminates against blacks and makes them sit in the back or the like?
Is there one law in the US law books that discriminates against blacks?
Could a black person even be elected President of the United States?
Does the military discriminate against blacks?
Is there one organization that doesn't accept blacks [besides the KKK]?
Is there one neighborhood where it is dangerous for blacks to go because WHITE PEOPLE will harm them? [Are there neighborhoods where it is dangerous for black people to go because black people will harm them?]
Do we find blacks in all areas of politics, medicine, law, business, entertainment etc. etc.?
Are there black millionaires?
Does the average American believe that it is OK to kill a black person?
Are black people any less entitled to social security or food stamps or health insurance than white people?
Are any professional sports leagues primarily black?
Are blacks not allowed to vote?
At the end of 2017, federal and state prisons in the United States held about 475,900 inmates who were black and 436,500 who were white – a difference of 39,400. So does that show that only black people are arrested but not white people? What percentage of those 475,900 black inmates are in jail for committing a crime and what percentage are totally innocent and are only in jail because a white cop wrongfully arrested them and then a white judge and jury put them behind bars?
As a person of color myself [the color happens to be white but a color nonetheless] I am befuddled by the notion that is axiomatic for so many people that that there is systemic, widespread racism in the USA. I don't see it. I DO see that any black who stays in school, gets a good education and works hard can be ANYTHING he wants to be. A surgeon [look at one of the top surgeons in the US - Ben Carson], a Rosh Yeshiva, a CEO - ANYTHING. I see black people walk into a store or anywhere else and are treated exactly as whites are. There are plenty of individual white people who hate blacks but let us not forget that there are many black people who hate whites....
I would appreciate if someone would enlighten me and explain the other side.