So I was confounded - what do the BLM chevre want? It can't be that they want to change laws that discriminate against blacks because there are none. It can't be that all these "protests" are intended to change the way people view blacks because looting stores or vandalizing won't change people's opinions. There are plenty of people who are suspicious of blacks and that isn't changing so quickly. So what do they WANT??
I read their platform and I THINK I got it. Correct me if I'm wrong. In a nutshell.
1. They want to legalize prostitution. [whenever there is trouble there is גילוי עריות].
2. They want to free the black criminals from jails.
3. They want money, money and more and more money. Money for this and money for that. Free this and free that.
So whose money do they want?
Hold on tight!
White lives might not matter but white money does. Socialism matters. That explains why they are so identified with the Democratic party where so many Socialists have found a comfortable home.
It goes w/o saying that I am sympathetic to the plight of good black people who are law abiding citizens and just want to be treated with dignity. They deserve it. EVERYBODY who acts like a human being deserves to be treated like one. HUG A BLACK MAN TODAY [Corona permitting]!!!