Saturday, November 12, 2022

South/ Twins/ Blood/ New?/ Annoyed

 When people say that the economy has "gone south" does that mean that all the money is in places like Florida and Texas??


If I had twin sons [there is always hope. See Abraham and Sarah!!] I would want to name them Robbie and Morey. They I could introduce them "This is Mori Vi-rabi."


I once said to one of my daughters that [she is so delicious] I could eat her up. She responded "But I have blood". So Halacha conscious!!!


I think that New York and New Jersey have been around long enough that they are longer longer new. "Where do you live? On the Upper West Side of York". 


Today I received an aliyah and the Gabbai called me us as "Rav... Ben Rav..." I came forth and told him that this is a Sefer Torah and Emes must reign supreme. Neither I nor my father is a Rav. The Baal Koreh got really annoyed and reprimanded me.    


This week is my daughter's Bat Mitzvah, Baruch Hashem שהחיינו וקיימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה!!! A well known Mechaber Sfarim with an impressive frock asked me what we are doing to celebrate. I told him that she is getting an aliyah to the Torah and making a siyum mishnayos.