לזכות רפואת הרב אליעזר חיים בן אסתר סימא בתוך שח"י
כששואלים: מהיכן העצבות באה? צריכים לפתור: מהשפע של המעשים, המדות והדעות הרעות על הנשמה, שהיא טועמת בחושה החודר את מרירותם, והיא נסלדת, נפחדת ועצובה.
When we ask where depression comes from, we must answer [that it comes] from the influence of evil deeds, traits and perspectives upon the soul—which, with its penetrating sense, tastes their bitterness and recoils, frightened and depressed.
When a person lives his life in a way not conducive to the needs of the soul, his soul feels miserable to the core.
וכשאור התשובה מופיע, וחפץ הטוב כשהוא מתגבר בתכונתו המקורית, צנור של עונג ושל שמחה נפתח, והנשמה יונקת מנחל עדנים,
And when the light of teshuvah appears, and when the desire for good asserts itself in its original nature, a channel of delight and joy is opened and the soul partakes from the river of delicacies.
Even though he hasn't yet actually completed the teshuvah process but rather is in the incipient stage where the light of teshuvah shines on his soul, some equilibrium is restored and he feels partially joyful and fulfilled again. At this point it is a channel, a pipeline of delight and joy and the soul partakes in this river of delicacies.
Man has a G-dly soul which by its very nature needs to be good and do good in order to find satisfaction fulfillment and well being. That is the חפץ הטוב כשהוא מתגבר בתכונתו המקורית - the desire for good asserts itself in its original nature.
וכשהכשרון המעשי לוקח לו את התמצית של ההרגשות הנעימות הללו, יוצא-לאור המוסר הטהור העליון, המצליח את החיים בהודו.
And when [a person’s] practical ability takes for itself the essence of these pleasant feelings, [then] pure, supernal morality—which imparts success to life with its splendor—comes to light.
Now the person has reached the next stage - he has actually done teshuvah. When he does teshuvah then practical morality is actualized and this generates הצלחה.
People mistakenly think that when they succumb to their ego and more base desires then they will be happier. The EXACT opposite is true. When one connects to מוסר טהור - supernal goodness, then he is happy.