Monday, September 4, 2023

Shmiras HaBris In Our Generation

The biggest test in out generation is שמירת הברית. The biggest. ברוך השם it is not hunger and persecution. Rav Tzadok writes that שמירת הברית will be the final nisayon before Moshiach.

So how are we doing with שמירת הברית?? 

It is impossible to know exact numbers or statistics because the question is not just how much pritzus people are watching on the Internet but how many Aveiros people are doing in private of הוצאת זרע לבטלה and ביאות אסורות and הרהורים אסורים.  Who can know that??

Only Hashem. 

But one thing is for sure. The website "Guard your eyes" has over 40,000 members. מי כעמך ישראל!!! Over 40k Yidden are struggling with this and are trying to overcome. Then there are the number of Yidden who are drowning in it and haven't gone to GYA for help, either b/c they are going to other avenues or by not getting help at all. So there are a LOT of people out there struggling and who are looking at things they shouldn't. 

What about illicit thoughts? There is not a frum man who doesn't have such thoughts daily. How do I know? Because I have inside information. The Gemara [Bava Basra 164b] says

 אמר רב עמרם אמר רב שלש עבירות אין אדם ניצול מהן בכל יום הרהור עבירה ועיון תפלה ... ואבק לשון הרע. 

So already close to 2,000 years ago the first generation Amora Rav says that EVERY DAY people have הרהורי עבירה. In todays hyper-sexed world it is much much much worse. 

Mussar Haskel: CHIZZZZUUUUUK in עניני קדושה!!!!!!!