Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Modern Avoda Zara??

A prominent [i.e. wealthy] MO shul in Manhattan had for it's Yom Ha-atzmaut ceremony [among other disturbing things] the local Reform Rabba darshening and singing solo - in front of the Aron Kodesh. Achdus is good but there is a limit...   

Which brought to mind a shul near the aforementioned one where they didn't sing שושנת יעקב after reading the Megillas Esther but Hatikvah. 

Modern Orthodoxy has it's good points [like, for example, keeping people in the fold who would otherwise defect] but the Zionist thing often gets out of control....

It was none other than Rav Soloveitchik who said that sometimes Zionism turns into Avoda Zara. Like when it trumps actual Torah Judaism. 

The sad part is that some people only feel Jewish when relating to Zionism but not when keeping mitzvos, which they see as a burden רח"ל.