Tuesday, January 10, 2012

כדענמ ארגעככל חךנע

I type a lot on the computer. Between the many emails I send, the blog, the sefer-nobody-seems-to-be-interested-in-but-me-and-that's-all-that-matters that I am trying to write, many words emerge from those ten miracles of Divine benevolence called "fingers".

When I type I look at the keyboard. Sometimes I type a completely coherent sentence but when I look at the screen I read טםו שרק איק ךןעיא םכ צט ךןכק. For the record I wrote "You are the light of my life" but it was in Hebrew. Sometimes I mean to write in one language but it comes out in another.

This true story [all too true because it happens all the time] is of course a metaphor for relationships. We say something that makes complete sense to us but is not always received that way by the listener. In marriage counseling school they teach that responsibility for the clarity of the message is upon the speaker.

Sometimes people take offense even though we didn't mean it that way. There are many miscommunications that occur on a daily basis. To learn good communication requires work. It means learning how the listener interprets words and speaking in accordance with his or her understanding.

ךםהק שמג נךקדדןמעג [Love and blessings:-)]