Thursday, January 12, 2012

Yichud 1

One of my favorite stories is about an older man who was approached by a younger man in a train station who asked him repeatedly what time it was but was ignored [like many of the emails I send and phone calls I make:-)]. Finally in frustration he asked the older man why he was being ignored.

The man answered "If I tell you what time it then you are going to answer back and a conversation will naturally ensue. When I get on the train you are going to sit next to me to continue talking. Then it is likely you are going to get off in my town and will have no place to stay and I will invite you to my house. You will come to my house and meet my daughter and you will take a liking to each other and eventually decide to get married. And frankly, I don't want a son in law who doesn't even own a watch!"

This is a metaphor for life. With foresight you can avoid many problems. All sins of arayos are done in private. If people would keep the laws of yichud they would avoid maaaaany problems. So we will start bs"d a series on the laws of Yichud.