Monday, May 13, 2019

Drive - Caffeine - Do What You Love - No Resting On Laurels

Danielle Steele [whose father incidentally was Jewish], the famous novelist [so famous that even I heard of her and I haven't read a novel in decades and I never read anything of her's Baruch Hashem], has been married five times, has nine children and has written, hold on tight, 179 books. That is not a typo. 

She works 20-22 hours a day, sometime going for 24 hours straight [NO CAFFEINE!!]. (Parenthetically, which is why this is on parenthesis, she writes on a typewriter!!). She doesn't write for the money. She has PLENTY. She just LOVES to write. 

The mussar we can learn: If you are driven, you can get a LOT done. Try to live without caffeine - or at least minimize it. Do what you love and don't only work for the money. Don't rest on your laurels and say that look what I have already done in the past so I don't have to work hard to accomplish more in the future.

I don't recommend that anybody try to emulate her though - on any level.

PS - Her real name is - rachmanus -  Danielle Fernandes Dominique Schuelein-Steel. A Gabbai''s nightmare.